Farm Mechanization (Accessibility of Farm Equipment’s to Small Land Holders):

Farm Mechanization (Accessibility of Farm Equipment’s to Small Land Holders):

The concept of “Farm Mechanization” for the “Accessibility of Farm Equipment’s to Small and Marginal Landholders” was sprouted while dealing with socio-economic issues among them. The system of agriculture manual labor outcomes ineffective production/yield crops due to inability to timely perform activities, for instances late-sowing, late-weeding, late-harvesting, etc. However, there are scanty availability of labors and excessive expenditure on labor. Therefore, farmers, especially marginal and small landholding farmers, have immense problems in rural areas. As far as their socioeconomic situation is concerned, they are not in a position to bear the capital cost of the agriculture equipment. Lack of acceptance of modern technology to implement in day-to-day activity among farmers is also a great challenge. This project targets all farmers to create sensitivity and awareness about the requirement of change in agriculture tradition for positive productivity and sustainable agriculture. From 2015 onwards, MANAVLOK provided support in more than 100 villages of Beed district for Farm mechanization by availing farm machinery on very nominal rents. The Farm Mechanization project came to reality after ADM Cares USA donated all the required agricultural equipment’s (Tractor, M.B Plough, Cultivator, Rotavator, Broad Bed Furrow (BBF) seed drillers, Boom Sprayer, Harvester, Lesser Land Leveler, TATA Xenon, Trailers, etc.).