Production Enhancement Project

Production Enhancement Project

MANAVLOK has implemented several projects to improve the per-acre production and productivity of major crops in beneficiary villages. Along with ADM Cares, we worked for the enhancement of soybean production, productivity, and a better price for farmers. For climate-resilient and water-efficient cotton, we worked with TNC India. The drumstick cultivation project was implemented with support from Save Indian Farmers in Maharashtra (Beed, Parbhani) and Andhra Pradesh. MANAVLOK also worked on the development of the desi sorghum/jowar crop. MANAVLOK is also working on the development of custard apples and guava, as well as all other major crops in beneficiary villages. MANAVLOK believes in the adoption of modern technologies for better production, optimum cost of production, and better returns. So, we also supported many farmers for the Green House and Shed Net House establishments.