Skill in Village Program

Skill in Village Program

Skill in Village is a before and after-school program for students in 5th to 8th grade enrolled in vernacular medium government schools that equips them with English Communication skills, followed by the 3 Cs mentioned in the global P21 framework - Critical thinking. Creativity, and Culture. This program is activity-based, interactive, contextual, level-appropriate, and outcome-oriented. The program runs on a participatory approach where a small contribution from the student is taken to ensure accountability. This is a pilot programme in Beed District in collaboration with MANAVLOK and the Deshpande Foundation. Under this program, we are running 5 SIV Centres: 1) Radi, 2) Poos, 3) Bhawthana, 4) Moha, 5) Mandekhel. In each school, the program is implemented at four levels, i.e., four standards with each level having a minimum of 20 students and a maximum of 25 students. So at the end of this academic year, a total of 500 students will benefit from this program, and 5 teachers and students will be trained in life skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, leadership skills, better interpersonal skills, and many more.