MANAVLOK's 41st Anniversary

MANAVLOK's 41st Anniversary

Event Date: 1st Apr 2023

On the occasion of MANAVLOK's 41st anniversary, a farmers' meet and an exhibition of organic agricultural produce were organized. Padmashri Shabbir Bhai Sheikh, Natural Industries Chairman BB Thombre, MLA Namita Tai Mundada, Sub Divisional Agriculture Officer Suryakant Varkhelkar, MANAVLOK President Ashok Kaka Deshmukh, Block Development Officer Samrudhi Dewane, MANAVLOK Executive Aniket Lohiya, and farmers were present for the gathering. On this occasion, while making the introduction, Executive Officer Aniket Lohiya gave a brief overview of MANAVLOK's work in the previous year and informed him about the planning for the next year. While guiding as the chief guest, BB Thombare said that in every crisis in society, Dr. Dwarkadasji Lohiya (Babuji) worked to develop rural areas through watershed areas and rural development. Organic farming activities are the need of the hour. By providing an alternative to chemical farming through organic farming, by producing organic fertilizers and pesticides, and by providing markets for farmers' goods, mankind is trying to sow the seeds of farmer development. To provide employment opportunities to the youth in rural areas, farmers can be developed through bio CNG gas processing industries and energy generation projects from agricultural products. Speaking further on this occasion, MLA Namitatai Mundada appreciated the various works of human beings and said that through organic farming, farmers will develop and get a good income. During the presidential conclusion, the President of MANAVLOK said that the suggestions will be taken into consideration on the 42nd anniversary of the farmers who can suggest their suggestions regarding the various activities being done by MANAVLOK. On this occasion, dignitaries felicitated the representative worker who had contributed to mankind for a long time. On this occasion, the farmers of the area gathered a large crowd for the farmer's meeting.