Farmer Seminar Advocates Sustainable Farming on World Earth Day

Farmer Seminar Advocates Sustainable Farming on World Earth Day

Event Date: 22nd Apr 2024

On World Earth Day, ADM Cares, MANAVLOK, Bayer Crop Science, and Agricultural College Latur organized a "Farmer Seminar Program" at MANAVLOK Ambajogai themed "Planet vs Plastics." Esteemed speakers, including former Vice-Chancellor Mr. Ashok Dhawan, senior meteorologist Mr. Ramchandra Sable, Dr. Avinash Pol from the Paani Foundation, and Dr. Vasant Suryavanshi, an extension agronomist, discussed the harmful effects of single-use plastics on agriculture and promoted sustainable farming practices. Attendees, including representatives from ADM Cares, MANAVLOK, and Latur Agricultural College, emphasized climate-resilient farming and reducing plastic use for a healthier environment. The event saw active participation from farmers, reflecting a shared commitment to sustainable agriculture and a cleaner planet.