Rejuvenation of River Holna:

Rejuvenation of River Holna:

The rejuvenation work of the Holna River and its tributaries was carried out in the villages of Patoda, Palaskheda, and Devala in the Ambajogai block of Beed district. The work of rejuvenation started in January 2016 in the auspicious presence of the renowned water expert, the honorable Mr. Rajendra Singh. More than 10 km of work has been completed in these villages. The beneficiary villages contributed through Shramdaan and through people’s contribution as well. Different activities were carried out, like deepening and widening of river, nalas with compartment bunding , construction of Doha, soak pits, tree plantations, etc. MANAVLOK raised 75% of the money required for this work; the rest of the funds were raised through peoples contribution.