Engaging Men & Youth In Gender Equality

Engaging Men & Youth In Gender Equality

Manaswini has been working for women's empowerment with a major thrust for the last 25 years. Umpteen attempts were made to strengthen the position and honor of women in their families by encouraging their education, vocational guidance and training, free legal aid, and counselling in order to generate self-esteem and confidence among them. However, it was realized that despite these efforts, violence towards women will not be curbed unless men in families and society are involved in this awareness movement. The deep-rooted psyche of patriarchal dominance will not be uprooted without the actual participation of men. Hence, Manaswini started on these lines by inviting men and youth in rural areas for this mission in 2016. An appeal to participate in shedding off the traditions putting women at risk of gender inequality and injustice against women was made to raise awareness among men and youth in rural areas. This was positively responded to by the youth, and groups of rural youth are coming forward to work against dowry, child marriages, women's exploitation, etc.